Bovie® Dermal Disposable 1⁄2” Tungsten Loop Electrodes, Item ES25-8

Symmetry Surgical® manufactures an expansive line of Bovie® specialty electrodes for a variety of applications including Dermal Loop
Electrodes for dermatologic procedures, Arthroscopic electrodes and SuperCut™ Needle Electrodes. 5 per box.







1/2” Tungsten Loop Electrode

All Aaron LLETZ Loop and Square electrodes feature tungsten wire for superior shape and integrity throughout the excision procedure. They use a standard 3/32″ (2.3 mm) shaft. All molded loops are packaged in a patented protective tray to prevent damage during shipping. Ball electrodes are available in 3 mm & 5 mm sizes for fulguration and desiccation while the needle electrodes are available for pinpoint coagulation.


Available Configurations:

  • Dermal Disposable 1/4″ Tungsten Loop Electrode Part ES22-8

  • Dermal Disposable 5/16″ Tungsten Loop ElectrodePart ES23-8

  • Dermal Disposable 3/8″ Tungsten Loop ElectrodePart ES24-8

  • Dermal Disposable 3⁄4” Tungsten Loop ElectrodePart ES26-8


Available Bovie® Accessories and Equipment



Additional information

Weight 2 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 6 × 3 in